Henry Ford Finds A Way

As a child, Henry Ford was interested in making life easier. He made a gate opener so people wouldn’t have to get out of their wagon, open the gate, then get back in their wagon. When he was older, he started working at a shop in Detroit. When they gave Henry a raise, he quit because he came for the education and he had already learned everything he could. He met a girl named Clara and married her. Henry was interested in trying to make steam engines, but when he heard that you had to use a ton of water, he then learned it would just sink into the soil. So he decided to use gasoline. Soon he finished the engine and started making a car. He finished the car and hired someone who rode a bike to drive the car.

Very many people heard about this automobile and Henry made a company called Ford. He started selling cars for $850 and the prices started dropping too. The Ford company expanded and they used assembly lines to make the cars. Henry said they would be able to make 10,000 cars in a year and many people doubted them, but they did make 10,000 cars, and Henry Ford became a very famous man.

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Jacob Paulson

Jacob is a 4th grade student at WCA, where he also plays basketball.


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